Emma Kalea

  • Position: Board Chair
  • Email:ekalea@socialjusticefoundationmw.org


Gender Advocate | Activist | MA Development Studies | BA Humanities

Emma Kalea Chigwenembe is a Malawian women human right defender with a professional
expertise in program management and coordination for 10 years in nongovernmental organizations
and humanitarian work. Emma is an active human right defender who is specialized in supporting
and promoting the rights of vulnerable and minority groups in Malawi. Emma currently serves as a
Project Manager at the Gender and Justice Unit. Her role at GJU is to oversee the implementation of
organizational goals and objectives, including reviewing budgets and planning events. She is a
qualified trainer for Frontliner Defenders Organization in Southern Region Africa. Currently, sitting as
a Board Chairperson for the Girls Empowerment Network (GENET) and as the Chairperson for the
Women Human Rights Defenders Steering Committee in Malawi.

Highest Level of Education

  • Master's Degree